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The present research is the first attempt to obtain a complete and systematic statement of the psychological likenesses and differences of the sexes by the experimental method. Needless to say, the goal MILF has not been reached within the limits of such an investigation. All that has been done is to gather together some evidence bearing on the problem, which is trust-[p. 2]worthy so far as it goes. Previous experimental work has been in the form of detached experiments cumfiesta on some single sense or intellectual process. top-milf.com Usually the experiments have not been made for the purpose of a comparison of the sexes, but have been performed with some other interest in view, and have been incidentally formulated with reference to sex. Much of the material is the experimental work on school children done under the influence of the milf child-study movement. The only previous attempt to sum up the experimental evidence on the subject is that by Havelock Ellis (23), in his book Man and Woman, published in 1894. The work contains no original investigation.There is a decided preponderance of women with a sensory type of reaction. The adherents of the Leipsic school would doubtless say that the shorter reac-[p. 12]tion time of the men is to be explained by the greater proportion of motor reactors among them. Probable as this theory looks from the tables, it is not borne out by a detailed examination of results. The men with the shortest reaction times were in most cases of the sensory type, while several of the motor type were among those with longest times. The real explanation of the greater frequency of the motor type among men is rather to be sought in the fact that they lead more active lives on the whole than women, and are more interested in learning new movements of various sorts. For this reason their attention is more likely to be directed to the technique of movement than is that of women.
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